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We have a well estabilished KYC process, taking into consideration our clients’ risk profile, their long-term view, life momentum, and total wealth, in order to recommend the most suitable solutions. We apply a very strict criteria when recommending financial institutions. Our advisory is based on qualitative and quantitative analyses, nonetheless always seeking to respect the preferences of our clients.


Our access to a large network of wealth management experts, linked to various financial institutions and with different mindsets, allow us a broader view of investment products and strategies. We only work with products from third parties and we are not remunerated by them..


Our clients are always the account holders of the investments. The inflows and outflows of funds are solely controlled by the client.


We assist our clients in all transaction stages: negotiation, documentation and other relevant operational issues. We send a monthly customized report, which features the total performance by asset, asset class and consolidates the balances in each financial institution.

Our business model comprises a restricted number of clients, allowing us to provide an exclusive service with frequent contacts with our customers. We discuss, in a regular basis, the portfolio performance and the consequent tactical and strategic rebalancing.

  • Remuneration of KPC Consultoria is a fee based (%) on the the assets under advisory.

  • There is no performance fee.


Consultoria Financeira

Counseling & Financial Advisory


Multi-Family Office

Av. Doutor José Bonifácio Coutinho Nogueira, 150 - Conj 608, room A
Jardim Madalena – 13.091-611
Campinas – Brazil



© 2024 KPC Consultoria Financeira
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